Theme parties. Choose an amazing theme and everyone will have a blast. Choose a bad theme, and the party will be a disappointment.

The great thing about theme parties is that they are so flexible. Theme parties can be great for kids, college students, young adults and older folk alike. It all comes down to choosing the right theme depending on the crowd and the vibe.

If you want wild, crazy, up-all-night rager ideas, just make sure you’ve got your bar fully-stocked— we’ve got you covered on the ideas.

Here are 13 insanely fun theme party ideas to choose from for frats, sororities and basically all college students:

Mardi Gras Theme Party

If we’re going to be choosing a theme, why not choose one of the craziest parties in real life? Mardi Gras is one of the most epic, insane events you will attend in your life. Ever. So if you’re going to choose a theme, might as well mimic the best of the best. All you need are mardi gras beads and masks and the rest will follow.

80s Theme Dance Party

Imagine walking around in neon colors all day, every day, and it being totally acceptable. Yes, the 80s were amazing. And even if we weren’t alive to appreciate it, throwing an 80s-theme party is our way of recognizing the fashion accomplishments of past generations. Encourage neon colors, yoga pants and cut-off shirts, and you’ve got yourself an 80’s dance party! Just don’t forget the 80’s rock and the neon lights.

Angels & Devils Theme Party

What an iconic party. An angels & devils theme party gets at the root of the human psyche, and seems to always unleash the wild side of people. Always a great time if done right.

Black Light Theme Party

Black light parties are another theme that tend to bring out the wild and craziness in everyone. Something about the dark area lit by fun yet unfamiliar lights. The key is to make sure you have plenty of blacklights and neon decorations to be able to completely shut off your normal lights. People will definitely show up with white shirts and a lot of fun neon colors, so you’re going to want to make sure everything looks as cool as they’re expecting!

CEOs & Office Hoes Theme Party

Ok, yes, a little bit of sexist undertones, but we’re talking college party here, not a work party or anything. It’s a fun reason to dress up or down in a classy way, and drink with your friends!

Colonial Bros & NavaHoes Theme Party

Again, it’s just easy to name parties like this because of the rhyming. But anyway, who doesn’t like dressing up like early American settlers and native Americans? Great way to get creative with costumes, drinks and decorations.

Foam Party

Assuming you have access to a location that won’t get destroyed by an enormous amount of foam and debauchery, a foam party should always be high up on your list. All you need are a quality foam machine (or bubble machine for the budget-conscious) and plenty of people dressed in bathing suits or clothes they’re willing to get dirty. Music and lights are also a plus!

GI Joes & Army Hoes Theme Party

Nothing is more patriotic than an army-themed party. This party is definitely a salute to the real heros. And guaranteed to get some very creative costumes!

Golf Pros & Tennis Hoes Theme Party

Athletic yet classy, that’s what golf and tennis are all about! Combine that with a fun crowd, some classy drinks like a moscow mule, and boom, you’ve got a solid theme party that’s easy for everyone to dress up for!

Pajama Theme Party

Sometimes theme parties can require fun yet uncomfortable costumes. Pajama Parties are not one of those themes. Pajamas are comfortable by definition. Everyone wants to secretly stay in their pajamas and drink with their friends, so give people the excuse to finally do that in a socially acceptable way! And what’s a pajama party without games? Here’s our staff’s list of favorite drinking-related board games as well as our favorite drinking games with shots.

Ugly Sweater Theme Party

Theme parties are supposed to be over-the-top and ridiculous when it comes to costumes. So why not choose a theme that outright encourages that. Ugly sweater parties are great during the holidays and cold winter months since people will be layering up anyway.

Toga Party

Thanks to the prevalence of toga parties in basically every single college comedy movie, there’s a certain expectation for them. Fun, wild and crazy. And with toga parties, it’s easy to hit that mark. Something about wearing only togas get’s people in the party mood! Plus if you learn how to make a great moscow mule, the our favorite copper mugs would be a great costume prop!

Anything But Clothes Theme Party

Theme parties allow people to get creative with their costumes and decorations. See how creative people can actually get by hosting an “Anything But Clothes” party. The name says it all– people need to fully dress themselves using anything but clothes. Always a great time!